CDP: Covivio recognized with ‘A’ score

  • CSR

February 06, 2024

Covivio has been recognized for leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its annual ‘A List’.

Covivio is one of a select group of companies to have been awarded an ‘A’ rating, out of more than 20,000 companies assessed. This recognises both the quality of its climate change policy and the results achieved. Covivio is one of only 27 French companies included in the CDP’s annual list of climate leaders.

For many years, Covivio has pursued a carbon and climate policy recognised by various bodies (SBTi, CDP, rating agencies, etc.), which helps to protect the value of its assets and the sustainability of its business model. We are delighted to have been awarded an “A” rating, which recognises Covivio’s ambitions and results.

Jean-éric fournierCovivio’s Director of Sustainable Development

In 2023 we saw a 24% increase of disclosures last year and that trajectory is to be applauded. It is only by laying the groundwork of disclosure that companies can show they are serious about the vital part they play in securing a net-zero, nature-positive future. Earning a place on the A List is about more than the score. It’s an indication of high quality, complete data that equips companies with a holistic view of their environmental impact, serves as a baseline for transition plans and – crucially – enables them to follow through on their ambitions. As we move deeper into the Decade of Action, and as CDP continually raises the bar for what represents environmental leadership, the work of A List companies is never complete. We look forward to seeing all companies turn their commitments into further and more meaningful and effective action.

Sherry Madera

In 2023, over 740 financial institutions with over US$136 trillion in assets requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform.

Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world, and CDP scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero carbon, sustainable and resilient economy.

A detailed and independent methodology is used by CDP to assess these companies, allocating a score of A to D- based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks and demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets.

Covivio’s sustainable development policy has been praised for many years by international non-financial rating agencies. The Group is well positioned in the DJSI World and Europe, Ethibel Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good, Gaïa de Ethifinance, MSCI, STOXX Europe Sustainability and Global ESG Impact, Vigeo-Eiris 20 France, 120 Europe, 120 Eurozone and 120 World indices.

Indices (not exhaustive):

  • Euronext ESG Indices
  • STOXX Europe Sustainability, Global ESG Impact
  • FTSE4Good index

Ratings: Covivio among the leaders singled out by the main extra-financial agencies:

  • GRESB: 5 stars
  • Sustainalytics: Negligible risk Universe
  • ISS-ESG: Prime Universe
  • Moody’s ESG: Sector Leader
  • EPRA: sBPR Gold Award
  • Ecovadis: Gold Status