Legal notices

Covivio is pleased to welcome you to our website to help you get to know us better. The purpose of this site is to provide information about the company and its activities.

Covivio has created this site for users’ own personal information. The data contained on this website may not be used, even partially, for any commercial purpose without Covivio’s prior written consent.


Covivio, Limited company (Société anonyme) governed by a Board of Directors, with share capital of 303 019 167 euros – Head Office: 18, Avenue François Mitterrand, 57000 METZ, France – Registered with the Metz Trade Registry under No. B 364 800 060 – APE Code 6820B – SIRET No. 364 800 060 00048

Offices : 10, rue de Madrid – 75008 Paris – France

Ségolène Chrzastek –

Hosting & developpement

60 29th St #343
San Francisco, CA 94110

Web agency
Be Api
118/130 avenue Jean Jaurès
75019 Paris 19


Photo credits : Olivier Ouadah / Photothèque Covivio / Thomas Laisné / Renaud Arault /Grégoire Cretignon / Philippe Ruault/

Intellectual property

All of the components of the Internet site (especially domain names, trademarks, logos, slogans, designs, models, documentation, illustrations, photographs, images, text, software and soundtracks) are owned exclusively by Covivio. Unless there is prior written consent by Covivio, it is prohibited to reproduce, represent, distribute, link, exploit, adapt, arrange, modify, translate, correct, transmit or market all or part of the Internet site and/or any component comprising it, regardless of the means and medium. Copying for private, personal, and non-commercial use of the various objects above covered by rights is authorized conditional upon citing the sources and the rights attached thereto. Any violation of these mandatory provisions by an Internet site user or by a third party makes that party potentially liable vis-à-vis Covivio.

Hypertext links

The creation of a hypertext link to the site is authorised without framing. Covivio shall in no event be liable for any information disseminated on websites with which hypertext links have been created.

The information and presentations contained in the pages of this website are provided for purposes of guidance only and are subject to change at any time without notice. Covivio shall in no way whatsoever be liable for their private or professional use.

Covivio cannot guarantee the exactness, precision or exhaustiveness of the information provided on this site.

Consequently, Covivio disclaims all liability for:

  • any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to any information available on this website;
  • any damage, be it direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences thereof, arising from access by anyone to the website, the impossibility of accessing it, or the use of the site, and/or the credit granted to any information stemming directly or indirectly from the site;
  • any use that may be made of any of the information.

Personal Information Handling Policy

Please find herein Covivio’s personal data processing policy here